Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I never

I'm sure everyone at some point in their life has played the game 'I Never.' I've realized that I've been saying the phrase a lot (and meant it! )So I decided to make a list of things that I've never done or seen before. Should be interesting..

If you don't count when I was pregnant, I've never went longer than a month without drinking since I was 17.

I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies in their entirety.

I've never seen GhostBusters 1 or 2 in it's entirety.

This one I'm not very proud of; I've never seen all of The Goonies (and I was born in the 80's!!!!)

I've never been on an airplane or train.

I've never left the United States.

I've never owned a passport (judging by the one before this I'm not surprised!)

I've never had a tattoo that couldn't be easily covered.

I've never liked wearing a watch.

I've never read the Bible all the way through.

I've never cheated on a test.

I've never fully gotten over the hurtful things that have been said to me over the years by people that I knew, especially my family.

I've never enjoyed eating meat off the bone in front of people, this list also includes food that falls apart easily such as tacos or sloppy joes, oh and ice cream and popsicles too.

I've never been in love.

I've never been more pissed than when LOST ended and all my questions weren't answered and felt like I wasted 6 plus years of my life watching that shit! GRR!

I've never been on an absolutely horrible date where I had to fake a story to leave early.

I've never liked the color yellow which is why I don't own anything yellow to my knowledge.

I've never been able to control my competitve side when playing recreational sports, card games, board games, or trivia nights.

I've never been truly, completely happy for a long period of time.

I've never realized how bad a Cougar could suck at volleyball (Ha Traci!)

I've never liked deleting pictures from my camera after I take them because there was a reason the picture was taken and I don't want to forget it, even if I had two chins and my eyes are closed.

I've never done a keg stand (and before a few weeks ago I had never done a beer bong!)

I've never really thanked my parents enough for all that they have done for me in my life, and I hope that one day I will be able to thank them appropriately.

Well I hope you enjoyed reading this, feel free to think of your own list, and add it to mine!

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