Friday, April 2, 2010

Family....The ties that bind.... and gag...

Why is it that we feel the need to bud into other people's business so readily? What ever happened to privacy? The onset of social networking sites such as facebook, myspace, and twitter have made it almost impossible to have any privacy. (Unless of course you are stealth like me and know how to customize your security settings!) I am wary about who I accept on fb and so I have discovered a way to keep things I want kept private..private! If you need any help doing this, let me know and I'll definitely be able to help you! Soo... today we had our Family Easter... and it seemed a bit chaotic. I arrived late because I had to work and when I got there everyone had already started eating.... So I plopped down at a table and made some small talk with a few cousins. This continued for the next two hours and then it was over. It just seemed like all we did was eat and talk and then quickly left. Thats all right with me because I had plans with my girls tonight. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Sometimes family is a very tricky thing. You have to change the way you speak or act around them just so you feel accepted. When did family morph into that? I thought we were able to tell our family everything and feel accepted no matter what? I have more to say, but prefer to keep it quiet right now.

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